L'elecció del logotip // Choosing the project logo
L’elecció del logotip “To read for to love”
Quan van arribar els/les mestres de Polònia i Turquia, vam acordar crear un logotip que fos identificatiu del nostre projecte. Així, cada escola demanaria propostes i, d’aquestes, se n’escollirien tres. Un cop tinguéssim les tres de cada escola, quedaria escollir la guanyadora.
A la nostra escola vam entregar una circular a tot l’alumnat per demanar la col·laboració tant d’ells com de les famílies, podent també participar el claustre i totes aquelles persones que volguessin fer-ho. I aquestes van ser les propostes que ens van fer arribar.
Choosing the project logo: “To read for to love”
When the Turkish and the Polish teachers arrived, we talked about to do an identity logo with our project. On the first hand, every school would ask proposals and then, the teachers would choose three ones. To end, when we would have three of every school, we would choose the winner.
On our school, we gave one note to all pupils to ask the collaboration to them and to the families. Anyway, all teachers and all people that wanted to participate, they could to do it.
There are the proposals that we received on our school: