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Monday, 18 February 2013

Carnaval // Carnival

Per celebrar el carnaval, el Rei Carnestoltes va marcar les ordres de la setmana: Dijous Gras, a l’escola amb ulleres de sol i barret, divendres al matí, en pijama, i a la tarda, per relacionar la festa amb el projecte Comenius, l’alumnat disfressat de personatges de contes.
Dijous Gras, amb ulleres de sol i barret, com és tradició, vam anar al bosc a menjar la truita. L’alumnat de l’escola vella va emparellar-se amb l’alumnat de l’escola nova i així vam anar fins al bosc. Vam gaudir d’un bon matí tot menjant la truita i al migdia vam tornar cap a l’escola.

The Carnival King said the orders of the week: Thursday “Gras” everybody had to go to school wearing sunglasses and a  hat, on Friday morning, everybody wearing pyjamas, and on the afternoon, to link  the party with the Comenius Project, all pupils wearing clothes of different fairy tales characters.
On Thursday “Gras”, we went to the forest and ate sandwich of omelette. Each student take another student to walk along to the forest. We had a sunny morning while we were eating the omelette and on the noon, we turned to the school again. 

Divendres a la tarda, l’alumnat de l’escola vella va baixar a l’escola nova i en forma de rua vam pujar tots plegats pel carrer. A l’escola vella, els ajudants del Rei Carnestoltes van llegir el pregó i un cop acabat, vam berenar pa amb xocolata abans de marxar.

On Friday afternoon, the pupils from old school went to the new school and all together came to the old school again walking, dancing and making noise along our road.. On the old school, the Carnival King helpers read a poem and when we finished, we ate bread with chocolate before going out.