Our Video

Thursday, 16 May 2013


This term the boys and girls of 3 years are learning about THE FARM!
We have worked the story of three pigs, and we have built three cardboard houses to act out this fairytale. Watch out beautiful houses!
The little pig’s house

The medium pig's house

The big pig's house

To study the rabbits we received two rabbits in class, one for each class. We take care and feed them. They are called Rekit and Sol!

Rekit is about to jump

Sol is attending the blackboard

And to see the rest of the farm animals we have visited one school-farm, there we could feed the animals and we rode a carriage. We had fun!

Aquest  trimestre els nens i nenes de P3 treballem: LA GRANJA!

Hem estat treballant el conte dels tres porquets, i hem construït unes casetes de cartró per a poder-ho representar, mireu que boniques han quedat!

Ben aviat podreu veure el vídeo!

Per poder estudiar de ben a prop els conills hem acollit dos conillets, un per cada classe. Els cuidem i els hi donem de menjar. Benvinguts Rekit i Sol!

I per poder veure de ben a prop la resta d’animals de la granja, hem anat d’excursió a la Granja-escola Neri, allí hem pogut alimentar els animals i pujar en carro. Ens ho hem passat d’allò més bé!